Can anyone explain why the va is sending this to me now? I went to one of those IRR events because I thought it was mandatory last year.
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submitted by /u/Global-Training-6973 [link] [comments] |
Denied dental condition
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I was denied dental conditions with favorable findings for tempromandibular joint disorder and sleep-related bruxism. My only proof is my DD214 states I was not given an exit dental exam. I know had I gad that exam they would have noticed my dental conditions. What should I do? Give me your opinions.
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PSA for reservists getting medboarded about Incap Pay
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As the title says, this post is specifically to help out reservists being medboarded. You might be owed money and were either not told about it, or told you are not eligible. I've now spoken to many service members, specifically in the Army National Guard who have gone through a very similar situation to mine.
I used to be AD Army and went Guard, got hurt, and have been waiting for a medboard...
Entitled to free burial?
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I’ve failed to qualify for life insurance twice now. I am having stress about the cost of a funeral if I kick the bucket and the financial burden that would be on my family. If I was honorably discharged, is it true I can be buried in a military cemetery at no cost to my family? [link] [comments] |
How early to file 18 yo dependent remaining in school
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As the title said, my almost 18 yo has a birthday mid-high school. How early can I apply to keep them on my claim?
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Is my family greedy or is it just me? This is why you don't discuss your disability ratings
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Ofcourse she knows my rating and I'm 100%
My aunt wanted me to cut down some trees about 75 ft tall pretty big so I said 500 bucks for a few trees there is probably 10 big trees. She said no way that's way to much. I got scolded because I was charging to much. She wanted to breed german shepard puppies and I found a male German shepard akc and the guy actually gave her the male dog. Awesome that's...
What are some reasons that Veterans are not getting presumptives service connected?
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Why are veterans not getting presumptives service connected when they meet the presumptive conditions?
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Post 9/11 gi bill usage
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I served 12 years and got out about a year ago. Thinking of getting some more college done. What are the monetary benefits (if any)? I work full time so Im looking at a part time (1 or 2 classes) at a time if that’s even possible.
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