Defac and my favorite Civilian.
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So its 1995 and because I was Ng I did my boot and AIT 9 months apart. Its one thing that the Ng Has. You can Enlist when you are 17 with parents permission and a junior in high school. So in 95 after I graduated highschool I shipped out back to good ole Ft. Benning GA. with that done now on to the story.
So I am back at reception going through most of the same thing from the summer before except...
Rest of your life
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I'm not in the military, nor have I ever been. I am married to an Army veteran. He told me this story last night and I made him type it up for me.
In Army Parachute Jump School, we were getting instructions on how to deploy the reserve chute if the main chute fails.
We were in the bleachers while the instructor was demonstrating that you hold your left hand over the reserve chute and pull the...
We are what the Army makes us. Mostly.
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I was in Iraq a while back. I tried to make a habit of sending email updates to family and friends. What follows below is one of those emails that I sent home. It was originally written to that audience of civilians so you may see some extra explanatory detail about something that seems obvious to you military readers.
All names changed, etc.
The Day I Started Smoking
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This may shock you to read, but as a young enlisted man, I did not consistently make excellent life choices in my early 20s.
At one point I found myself working as the night shift supervisor for the division on an aircraft carrier that handled waste disposal. I'm glad to say it was every bit as glamorous as it sounds. Fortunately, the Kinder Gentler Navy of the '00s had learned to protect the...
Shitty Grape
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Decided to post this since folks seemed to like it in r/Navy.
On MCMs we have an impeller system to mash up shit and piss before sending it to the collection tank. Tank is about 80gal so when it gets to 75gal it either offloads automatically in port, sent overboard when out to sea, or S&S has to cook it down when we are in an active minefield. The impellers we're notorious for breaking down and...
Sergeant Major's Bitch, or the benefits of collective bargaining in the military
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LT N was an old and bitter man. He was ''promoted'' to LT from the highest NCO rank in the Finnish army, sotilasmestari, master soldier. The government once decided in their immense wisdom that professional NCOs are not actually needed and those should be promoted into officers, but without the possibility of promotion beyond captain. N was bitter about this and nearing his retirement, never...
The French Infantryman Stories : Getting back home Pt. 1
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Hi again brothers and sisters. Even if the title changed, you might recognize me from my First Story, my Second Story, my Third Story, my Fourth Story and Fifth Story Once again, thank you for all your support. Writing is my therapy, you reading it is part of it. Thank you for your caring and loving comments. Merci beaucoup.
I’m French. I’m in the Army. I’m in the infantry and fucking proud of...
Czechoslovak Vet Story 3 - Evasion and Driving
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- Evasion
There is a movie from the 90s called Copak je to za Vojáka? Its a kind of a propaganda comedy about a recce dude. Solid actors in it, a bit on the nose but has some funny lines and scenes. The main draw to it, apart from some boobs, is the first half. In there, the main cast is set loose some kilometres away from base. If they make it back, they get time off. And then the cops and the...
Even the officers lined up to hear my CD
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So this story takes place in 1997.
I was a conscript back in those days, just serving my mandated time, voluntarily.
I was in the HF Comms unit, in our division HQ battalion.
This was at the past halfway point of our training, and we were out on a week long exercise. Normally my vehicle would be posted out in the wilderness with a company, but this time, i was put inside the HQ stationed at a...
2 Silver Bars
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In the early '90s I was stationed in Japan. We were on a small little radio base about halfway between Yokosuka and Yokota.
We were a tiny little secret squirrel base that even the cab drivers had problems finding.
Little background for the story...Marines provided security for the secure facility, and one of the gates. The Navy, was responsible for the barracks and housing. The Japanese Maritime...