Can my unit make me register my firearms on post if they're never going to come on post?
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For context, me and a couple other people who live in the barracks rent out a storage unit off post to store our firearms so we dont have to register them.on post and store them in the arms room or coordinate the picking up and dropping off of our own firearms with someone off post whenever we want to go shoot them. These firearms have never come on post, will never come on post and are permanent storage for them since we typically take them home when we get the chance and then later buy new ones that are stored there. No one else in my unit who lives off post or who lives in the barracks and stores firearms off post minus myself is being required to do so. To the other three people who use the storage unit it has only been strongly suggested that they register them on post but I was ordered that i had till the end of July to have all my firearms in the storage locker registered on post and proof of it on my battery commander's desk. This rubs me as fuckery and I cant find any regulation on this at all.
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