I want to quit my job so badly (100% P&T)
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Retired after 20 yrs and started my current job exactly a year ago today. I work for a huge company and have a very nice salary but I’ve never worked so hard in my life. I’m a walking ball of anxiety and ADHD (can’t focus when I’m anxious, get anxious because I can’t focus). I had anxiety while in service but not to this level.
Went to visit family but had to work the whole time and just kept getting nagged that this job was too much.
Even still, I’m so conflicted.
1) I was so blessed to get this opportunity right after retiring and it feels wrong to give it up.
2) I went on an amazing vacation with my kids (actual vacation so didn’t have to work), and it felt great being able to provide these types of experiences to my kids.
3) I’m very creative and would love to start my own business, I’m scared that with having ADHD and it being so bad lately, that I won’t be able to focus or will get bored.
4) Also concerned that maybe I bring this anxiety upon myself and will find ways to be anxious and stressed regardless of where I work.
I don’t know what to do. Spouse says they’ll support whatever decision I make.
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