Congratulatory 100% (or any other percentage) posts- Edit dollar amount out
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Mainly just a suggestion. Unless you are having a calculation issue or suspect an error with the amount for ratings percentage X, or retro, there isn't really any reason to post what amount you are actually receiving. Sure you may be relatively anonymous on here, but when you post your screenshots and scans of letters with your benefits amount, might I suggest you edit out the amount. The reason is that my amount for X percent may very well be different than your amount due to dependents, SMCs, bilaterals, or whatever. In other forums that I am in, or that I moderate for, it's a good policy to have because it avoids a discussion devolving into "well he's getting X, why aren't I?" posts and arguments. The Ratings Schedule is public information, the Compensation Amounts are public information. Anyone can go see them to figure up their own amount(s), they don't need to be broadcast in here.
I find it ironic that there is a post almost daily about "dont tell anyone how much you get in disability compensation, or that you even receive it, yet whenever someone gets a rating they come here and post it on the internet for all to see. We don't need to know your amount, that you got rated X and you are happy is enough. The amount doesn't matter to anyone else other than you.
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