You are not basically infantry.
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I was not, nor will be Infantry, but it gives me mad second hand embarrassment with how many people spout this nonsense. Seems like every combat arms MOS has this weird fetish with not being Infantry but also being “basically infantry, Infantry with explosives, or the worst offenders - the Calvary.
Unless your MOS code is 11B (the chucks can defend themselves) then you are not Infantry.
It doesn’t matter what you did downrange. It doesn’t matter that you worked with or for them.
Have pride (or don’t) in the MOS you chose and quit trying to embellish your suck factor by saying your basically Infantry.
I don’t know how many 69ligmas I’ve met who say “my MOS is 69Ligma but I never did that job, I was basically just another rifleman with the Infantry” sounds like you just suck at your job and they just wanted you to leave the TOC.
If you are Infantry, or have worked closely with them, then you’ll quickly notice the difference between a good maneuver element and literally anybody trying to do that same thing as effectively.
It’s their job, and most of them seem to hate it, so just let them have the one thing that makes them happy: They’re not POGs.
Checking your Soldiers SRB doesn’t make you basically S1.
Doing operator level maintenance doesn’t make you basically a mechanic.
Using an ASIP does make you basically commo.
Signing hand receipts doesn’t make you basically supply.
Just like, do your job and let other people do theirs.
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