Every branch of the military is struggling to make its 2022 recruiting goals [Stats]
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only 23% of Americans ages 17-24 are qualified to serve without a waiver to join, down from 29% in recent years.
9% of those young Americans eligible to serve in the military had any inclination to do so, the lowest number since 2007.
More than half of the young Americans who answered the survey — about 57% — think they would have emotional or psychological problems after serving in the military. Nearly half think they would have physical problems.
only 13% had parents who had served in the military, down from approximately 40% in 1995.
75% of Americans ages 16-28 knew little to nothing about the Army.
The Army has met about 40% of its enlisted recruiting mission for FY22,
The U.S. Air Force... is currently more than 4,000 below where it should be
The Coast Guard... has filled only about 55% of its target of 4,200 active-duty enlistments.
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