IPPS-A AMA with COL Becky Lust, FMD Director
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Greetings, everyone, I am COL Becky Lust, IPPS-A Functional Management Division (FMD) Director. I am joining you here on Reddit for an AMA on IPPS-A’s FMD. I have been on the program for two years and I can provide insight on why FMD did certain things the way it did to help people gain a better understanding of IPPS-A FMD, and how they can greatly benefit from this system.
IPPS-A FMD is responsible for developing requirements from the field and providing those requirements to the system developers. We engage Leaders, HR Professionals, and Soldiers to determine what they need the system to do. Some of the questions we answer are, “how will Soldiers interact with IPPS-A to conduct their normal business?” And “what training will the field need to perform their duties?” and “how to Soldiers find solutions when they are having problems with the system?”
One of the major benefits of IPPS-A is the transparency it provides Soldiers. I want to continue that transparency. By being here, we can establish a transparent, two-way conversation between IPPS-A’s FMD and those who this system serves – our Soldiers, HR Professionals, and leaders.
Though IPPS-A Release 3 went live 8 months ago, there is still a large community of interested people who have questions, concerns, and suggestions.
The FMD is accountable to this community. We want to use every channel possible to have these conversations that pertain to our team’s areas of responsibility, such as requirements definition, business process mapping, deployment, training strategy, and change management.
I want you to ask me anything.
Thank you.
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