How do you put up with a toxic NCO?
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I’ve got one NCO every single person who was ever under them hated them except the one guy he openly fraternized with. (Small mos/ PCSing is rare without re-enlisting to do so so yes I actually know everyone he’s had under him) He has refused to set the example, he’s regularly singling out joes, he’s used rank for personal gain, refusing to care about welfare of those underneath them the second it requires them to lift a finger, blaming me specifically for things out of my control, accusing me of things never I never did, extreme micromanagement, and the only reason he’s ever stopped with the fraternizing was cause his favorite joe got out. Now granted, he’s only got a few months left before he starts ets leave. That said, months feel like years with this guy and every fucking day I spend with him it is becoming increasingly difficult to resist the urge to not punch this man in the goddam throat. He’s (at least seemingly) managed to get off anytime we’ve tried to use open door policy and if I wanted to go further I’d have to go to the brigade level for someone who’s almost out, without any evidence of what I’ve got problems with him for. I’ve tried moving units on several occasions and it never worked out. I try to avoid him when given the opportunity, but usually the guy ends up no more than 10 feet away from me for 90% of the day. At this point I can’t even leave work without thinking about how I’ve got to deal with the guy the next day.
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