Here's a cheat sheet. Don't thank me, just take it and go.
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Your = your own (go and get your shoes)
You're = you are
Were = second person singular past, plural past, and past subjunctive of be. (They were going to get their shoes)
We're = we are
Wear = two meanings: 1. have on one's body or a part of one's body as clothing, decoration, protection, or for some other purpose. (You're wearing my shoes, fuckboy) 2. damage, erode, or destroy by friction or use. (These shoes have a bit of wear and tear on them)
Ware = articles offered for sale (khajiit has wares, if you have shoes)
Where = in or to what place or position (where are my shoes?)
There = again, place or position (ah, there are my shoes)
Their = belonging to or associated with the people or things previously mentioned or easily identified (they were going to get their shoes. And yes, I recycled this one)
They're = they are (they're looking for their shoes right now)
To = to infinity and beyond
Too = I see too many of you just straight up not adding the extra 'o' to 'too' and I'm tired of it
Than = used in comparisons as a conjunction (these bowling shoes fit me better than my running shoes)
Then = indicates time (I'm gonna try these purple shoes on now, then try the yellow ones after)
"Mine as well"
"Might as well"
"Should/would of"
"Should/would have"
"So fun"
"So much fun"
"How it feels like"
"What it feels like"
"How it feels"
Accept = verb, to receive willingly (I accept this gift of shoes)
Except = to leave out or exclude (all of these shoes are clean, except for the red ones)
Affect & effect = this one's a little different, as the key here is to use 'affect' as a verb, as in to produce an 'effect', noun, onto something. (These new shoes are affecting my walk) & (those shoes had an effect on his walk), get it?
Less = use when referring to an innumerable plural (I'd like for there to be less dirt on my shoes)
Fewer = use when referring to a countable plural (there are fewer shoes in my closet than I remember)
Poison = a toxin that is inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through the skin. Think tree frog or poison ivy.
Venom = a toxin that is injected deliberately. Think snake fangs. And yes, all spiders are venomous.
Desert = both noun and verb; noun: a dry barren area of land. Verb: to abandon someone or something. (Pvt B. Falcon deserted his post. I know because his shoes are missing.)
Dessert = sweet stuff after dinner. The extra S stands for sweet. (I spilled my dessert on my shoes)
Capital = can refer to uppercase letters, accumulated wealth, or the city that serves as the seat of a country's or state's government.
Capitol = is a building in which the legislative body of government meets.
A = use before a word beginning with a consonant - Q, W, R, T, Y, P, S, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, Z, X, C, V, B, N, M (I own a pair of shoes)
An = use before a word beginning with a vowel - A, E, I, O, U (I own an expensive pair of shoes)
(Note: when using A or AN before an acronym, if the first letter of the acronym makes a consonant sound when spoken, use A. Example: this shoe is a POS. That fucker over there has an RPG.)
You can just say 'Ukraine', it's not 'the Ukraine'
There are a plethora of synonyms for 'toxic' when someone's being a dick online. You can say; obnoxious, quarrelsome, combative, dysfunctional, harmful, unfriendly, unreasonable, disobliging, impolite, malignant, virulent, hurtful, or even pestilential. Branch out some, it can be fun to use new words. It also helps if you want to be taken seriously in formal situations.
Good luck, guys.
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