CQ is the worst place to be in garrison.
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Here I am sitting at this CQ desk thinking about the career trap that CQ can be. Follow along with me for a second. I’m mainly here to check IDs because only barracks dwellers can enter the barracks without signing in as a guest (reduce SA and vandalism). We have a roster of barracks goblins but nobody in their right mind is lining up every Soldier and asking what room they live in, so it really becomes “all military personnel are allowed in any barracks”. You know who does a way better job of screening for that? The MPs at every gate. We all know that every Soldier and their uncle has three different ways to sneak their barracks bunnies around the CQ desk.
I can do my walkthroughs as much as I’d like but no amount of walking through is going to catch any Soldier about to do something drastically stupid in their rooms. So I’m really just here for theatre until something horrible happens at which point I’ll take full responsibility because I’m in charge of these quarters or something. Should’ve used X-ray vision and spidey senses to detect Soldiers making bad decisions.
I’ll have a volcano burrito and a taco. Hit me with your CQ feel-good stories to wash away the salt.
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