5 years sober today.
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Title says it all. 5 years ago I quit drinking cold turkey. It was painful the first year, but over time it got a lot better. What really sucked was losing all my friendships. Going out just isn’t the same when all you can have is Coke or water. I also miss a bottle of wine with anything Italian.
But what really really sucked was the sudden freeing of energy that I had spent on alcohol. Like all I could think about was when I could have a drink. Or what flavors or origin the alcohol was. Like if threw enough “culture” on it I could disguise my alcoholism in pretending to be a “savant”.
I’m good now. Occasionally the cravings come up, but I’m able to beat them. I quit smoking too, but sometimes you need a field smoke to get you through the bullshit.
Anyway, all this to say that if you’re struggling with that kind of addiction; I see you. And if you need help there’s lots out there including me.
But don’t quit cold turkey cause apparently that can kill you.
Give me the #8. Yes, I know it’s the party platter. I know what I’m about son.
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