Let The (War) Games Begin: Army Buying High-Tech Training Sims
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After decades using the same clunky simulators, the Army is about to buy new sims drawing on the latest innovations in online gaming.
NGCV: Hard Choices In Bradley Replacement, RFP Out Friday
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Vietnam-Vintage Vehicles Blaze Trail For Robot Tanks: Army RCV
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The actual Robotic Combat Vehicle that gets mass-produced and fielded by 2028 will be an all-new design, not a converted M113. But why wait for someone to design and build the perfect hardware, when you can start testing the software and the tactics on something cheaply available today?
Army Rejects Iron Curtain APS For Stryker, Launches New Programs
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By 2022, the service plans to field new advanced reactive armor tiles to neutralize incoming warheads, a laser early warning system to warn crews they’re being targeted, and a signature management effort to avoid detection in the first place.
Trump’s Vision & NATO’s Future: Streamline The Alliance For Modern War
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It would be wrong for Europeans to conclude that President Trump wants to withdraw all US forces from Europe. The President simply wants the US military to be NATO’s security guarantor of last resort, not NATO’s “first responder.”
All Armored Brigades To Get Active Protection Systems: Gen. Milley
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“Once the US companies come on line,” Gen. Milley said, “the intent is to outfit the entire heavy force — the Bradleys, the tanks, any future combat vehicles — with active protective systems.”
Trophy APS: The Best Defense Is Shooting Back
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No, the Trophy anti-missile system now going on US tanks won’t accidentally shred friendly troops when it goes off, the manufacturer told me this morning. And, the expert from Rafael Ltd. explained, Trophy will calculate where the enemy fired at you from so you can shred _them_.
Army Hopes For $6.8B From FY18 Budget Deal: 70% For Modernization
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UPDATED: Adds SecArmy Esper Roundtable PENTAGON: The figures aren’t final, but the Army hopes to get about $6.8 billion in additional funding for fiscal year 2018 thanks to the recently concluded budget deal, Army Secretary Mark Esper said this morning. The service’s new plan would start delivering a Next Generation Squad Weapon to the infantry… Keep reading →
261 M1 Tanks Getting Trophy Anti-Missile System As Army Reorients To Major Wars
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PENTAGON: The Army’s 2019 budget will upgrade 261 M1 tanks, enough for three brigades, to carry Israeli-made Trophy Active Protection Systems (APS) to guard against anti-tank missiles, service officials said this morning. That’s just one of many funding changes — from buying more howitzer shells to intensifying training exercises — meant to reorient the Army… Keep reading →