Air Force Pushes 3D Printing To Boost Readiness
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Air Force LCMC is working to ensure that far-flung depots eventually can print their own parts — with a recent first being Travis AFB’s using their brand, spanking new laser printer to print those toilet seat covers built of a new-fangled polymer from it’s own brand new printer.
Marine Commandant Memo Adds Billions to DoD’s Growing Weather Cleanup
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WASHINGTON: A pair of memos from Marine Commandant Gen. Robert Neller paint a grim picture of the Corps’ fiscal health at a time when the White House and Pentagon bask in the glow of their record $750 billion request for fiscal 2020. The missives, sent in recent weeks to the Navy Secretary and Acting Defense… Keep reading →
Three Attack Subs ‘Not Certified To Dive’; Navy F-35s at 15 Percent Readiness
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CAPITOL HILL: Navy readiness is “heading in the wrong direction,” the Government Accountability Office told the Senate this morning, with only 15 percent of Navy F-35Cs rated “fully mission capable.” At the same hearing, a four-star admiral acknowledged three nuclear-powered attack submarines were still stuck awaiting overhaul, with the USS Boise expected to be out of action… Keep reading →
Mattis’ Team Moves In, Promising Reforms
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A slew of new civilian officials are settling in at the Pentagon, adding muscle to promises of change in how the military develops and buys technology, and how fast it can put that gear in the field.
Trump’s 2018 DoD Budget Stresses RDTE, Rebuilding
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President Trump’s just-released 2018 budget proposal meets the goals set by Secretary Jim Mattis when he came into office, the Pentagon insists, even though the budget does not deliver the impressive defense growth the president promised. Instead, it will, the administration says, be enough to patch up a “depleted” military that needs to be brought back to health after… Keep reading →
Continuing Resolution Fears? OCO’s Ugly But It Might Work
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Two weeks from today America will either be a laughingstock or Congress will have done the responsible thing, the necessary thing, and passed some kind of useful spending bills. Or, as Mark Cancian, a former senior official at the Office of Management and Budget, suggests, there may be a sort of defense spending bandage to strap… Keep reading →
Congress, Military Are Running Out of Time
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“There is no enemy on the planet than can do more damage to the United States Air Force than us not getting a budget,” Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein told a defense conference on February 23. “Lack of 2017 appropriations and no supplemental increase in funding…will increase risk to the nation and ultimately… Keep reading →
With Trump, Congress Can Kill Sequester: Thornberry
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CAPITOL HILL: Can Congress finally break the logjam of the Budget Control Act and increase spending on defense? Yes we can, said the cautiously optimistic chairman of the House Armed Services Committee. Why are the chances any better this year than for all the failures since 2011? Because, Rep. Mac Thornberry told reporters this morning,… Keep reading →
The Military’s Real Readiness Crisis; Petraeus & O’Hanlon Are Wrong
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It’s no news to Breaking Defense readers that the U.S. military faces a readiness crisis. But retired Gen. David Petraeus apparently disagrees. Yes, the military’s budget has been cut by 25 percent in real terms since 2011—much of it coming from accounts used to maintain and build combat readiness. Yes, leaders from the Army, Navy,… Keep reading →