Never received a call for HLR
Posted on
Happened to anyone else? Filed an HLR in May of this year. Requested the informal conference call and I did not receive a phone call. I do not have any sort of spam call filters on my phone. Got a decision letter September 8th (denial continued).
What do I do now? Supplemental? Appeals? This is my 2nd HLR for one claim.
Denied originally, HLR (had the informal call), denied, Supplemental claim,... claim status down
Posted on
Sense Friday I've been getting the orange claim status unavailable everytime I try to open my pending claim. Is anyone else having this problem?
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Vet with Parkinson’s, need advice
Posted on
Hi all, using the wife’s account.
I’m 75 and have had many of the symptoms of Parkinson’s for about 2 years now. Because of moving and family issues, I’ve not been diagnosed yet.
I don’t even have a GP, so I’ll probably be setting up an appointment at the local VA soon. I’m also looking into a private doctor.
Can ya’ll tell me what my chances would be for a service connected claim?
I’ve had...
Posted on
My brother (who is disabled, receiving ssi) is going to move in with us because his current living conditions are not good, can I add my brother as a dependent in my benefits?
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Weekly Claim Status|Timeline Thread|Social Thread
Posted on
Has your claim been taking the scenic route or did it take the express lane this week?
- Use this thread to share how long/short you have been waiting on your claim.
Type of claim: (Standard, Fully Developed, Supplemental, Increase, etc)
Submitted/received date:
Initial review date:
Evidence gathering/review date:
PFD date:
PDA date:
PFN date:
Completed date:
For those...
V.A. underpayment?
Posted on
Who do I contact to address having been grossly underpaid with proof.
From January to September 2019, I received only $276.84 per month instead of the awarded $617.73, resulting in a cumulative underpayment of $3,067.01.
In 2020, I should have received $1,131.68 per month but only received $281.27. The cumulative underpayment for the entire year 2020 is $10,205.29.
In 2021, I should have received...
MH increase: do i go to a psychologist or a psychiatrist?
Posted on
Im already SC’ed PTSD, i just have to prove that my condition has gotten worse. Im not sure if either will willingly provide DBQs, but ill take even just an medial opinion letter as supporting evidence.
With that said, for my condition, is it better to pursue a psychologist or psychiatrist? thanks everyone.
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VA Loan when EASing
Posted on
I have about 6 months left on contract and I would like to purchase a home but they require proof of employment. Will they see that I won’t be in the military for long?
I really want to purchase my first home. I have never made a late payment on my debt, I have $6k consolidated debt. A credit score of 713. My husband and I recently got married and he’s got 645 credit score, late payments and $30k...
Vet Need assistance/info bedridden
Posted on
Simply put I'm a 40% disabled vet. I tweaked my back whereas I'm bedridden and can barely get up to use the restroom due to a stabbing pain every time I stand. I've had past surgery to fix this and now it's all back at me full circle. Went to the local ER and was more or less given pills and sent on my way. My elderly mother's trying to assist but can only do so much. I'm calling the local VA...
For Veterans that's 100% UI
Posted on
What do you say when people ask you what your occupation? I'm 36 and I always say I'm retired. Somepeople would say you're very young, how are you retired? What do I say? I don't want to disclose my disabilities to random strangers.
Off topic. What do you say when people say "Thank You, for your service"?
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