Presumptive conditions
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I will try to make this brief. A few years ago I was diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue and a couple of other things. I saw my PCM at least once a month, had numerous labs and would share my symptoms which seemed to progressively worsen in a matter of a year. I had no intent on claim with VA because I was already rated at 70% for PTSD and didnt feel the need because I had a great career, salary etc. June of last year if started getting to point of never getting out of bed and it basically stayed that way.
I filed a claim after i was lost my job clearly stating it was because of my medical issues. (Federal government) i also filed for TDIU
I started stressing because the claim was taking so long and started looking into a Nexus letter. I am not sure if I had a c&p for stuff because the only thing I remember is some labs and basic questions?
Its been a year since I filed and then I find out the chronic fatigue is presumptive for me because I fall into the category after talking to one of the nexus services. He acted like everything i already had was fine for my claim?
Part of me feels logically if one federal agency is firing me because of disability along with records of complaints long before I filed a claim, and it being presumptive I should be fine? Another feels its the VA and no method to the madness.
I also have a buddy letter and countless memos from my former job over my sick leave etc that i provided to VA as well? And probably gave them more docs than they wanted but I have no clue what happens on a personal level if they deny me because I have zero income minus my current VA.
My decision is in the decision stage so i guess I will find out but I am wondering has anyone dealt with presumed disability before?
Or chronic fatige, lupus or gulf war c&p?
The c&p i think that was for that was very brief, maybe a few questions? Any input is great. I am so stressed over this and want to be proactive as possible, which is why i was going to pay to get an objective exam. But that isnt that simple either. Advice?
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