I don't know how or where to look for older VA psych records.
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Early this year I was granted 70% for adjustment disorder with mixed anxiety and depression (claimed as PTSD) secondary to PC. I have no doubt that the PC aggravated my MH, but I also know my emotional problems began long before I was dx with PC.
In 2012+/-, I reached out to the VA psychology clinic for answers related to my inability to deal with death; not mine, but with military KIA, whether it be in movies, news reports, or in my personal memories related to my high school buddies who lost their lives in Vietnam. After two sessions the therapist dismissed my emotional problems as "normal" and ended whatever treatment I should have been entitled to. So my question is how would I find the records for my earlier request for MH treatment? Also, would it be possible to file for benefits retroactive to that 2012 encounter with the VA psychology clinic?
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