Fully developed claim submission
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I submitted an intent to file last sept, and just submitted everything the 22nd within 2 days the status is now on evidence gathering. I have claimed 15 line items and everything is in my medical records. I also claimed ptsd which I was diagnosed coming back from Afghanistan in 2019. I have never suffered from depression and since returning all of that is In my record. I was in a roll over and my wrists are now screwed I can’t even feed myself during high flare ups with my pain shooting to my fingers and my shoulders. My question is, with everything being documented, and it being a fully developed case does that mean I have less to worry? I never thought about filing but my ptsd is affecting me with my jobs and at home. I had to drop my masters program because I was having anxiety and depressive episodes. Ptsd ruined my career choice because I was pursuing my degree in social work “ trauma based”. Currently my job allows me to work from home because my dr said I am struggling to be around new people and surrounds. Never in my life did I thing things would be this bad. How long is the process with these types of claims
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