Filed TDIU after waiting 17 months on a decision and I’m ok with waiting even longer…
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I filed my original claim on 2/22/21 for PTSD-MST, Tinnitus, and Bilateral Hearing Loss. On 2/26/22, the Decision Letter was dated: Tinnitus was Decided service-connection (10% of course). Bilateral Hearing Loss was denied (I might appeal as it could be 30% or 60% for my claim), and PTSD-MST was Deferred for more information to be requested by the VA and to be provided by me. The VA had requested “official case record” like police or assault center records, for MST, but I had none, because I didn’t report it in 1988 in South Korea, on a remote assignment, when it happened. So, THAT delayed the process until the end of May, another 90 days. THEN, at that 90 day point, I happened to call the 800 number on 5/27/22, Friday before Memorial Day, just to ask, “When might I get a C&P Exam Date for my PTSD-MST Claim,” and the rep on the phone read the script they read to everyone who calls. You know about how there’s a backlog and claims are processed in an orderly fashion and basically, mine would be decided whenever it would be decided and the exam would be scheduled when it would be scheduled. 2 HOURS LATER!…I got a call from a C&P Exam intake clerk to schedule my C&P Exam for 6/7/22. So, did calling the 800 number make anything happen? I don’t know, but for me to call and 2 HOURS LATER, I get action, that’s a mighty huge coincidence to me. Could the VA phone rep have made some type of entry into the system that prompted the C&P Exam office to call me to schedule my C&P Exam? It’s possible. THEN, to delay the process even more, I decided to file for TDIU/Unemployability on 6/5/22 after watching a Hill & Ponton YouTube video recommending to go ahead now and file TDIU without a decision on the original, or else I (the vet) would be giving up perhaps several months of the difference between 70% singular or 80% (combined 60% and 40%) and 100%, as those are the two different scheduler rating requirements to qualify for TDIU, paid at 100%. So, again, If I had waited to file TDIU until after I got an Decision Letter for PTSD, I will have forfeited any pay for the gap in time that passed between 6/5/22, which was like 2 days after I watched the H&P Video and uploaded the VA Form 21-8940 (Veteran’s Application for Increased Compensation Based on Unemployability) and 2 days before my C&P Exam on 6/7/22. NOW, 6/5/22 will be the Effective Date for pay purposes, instead of a future unknown date AFTER the Decision for the PTSD-MST Claim, thus retro for Compensation purposes for TDIU. See, I might’ve gotten a Decision sooner on the original had I waited on filing TDIU. Six, one, half a dozen, other to some people. I just chose to go ahead and file it on 6/5/22 and wait. I was waiting anyway, so, “What did it matter,” I thought. I wished I would have applied for TDIU on 1/7/22, because that is the date I stopped being gainfully employed. I just didn’t know the processes and the system at the time.
THEN, the VA requested evidence of me for Unemployability on July 11, which again, I filed on 6/5/22, so I know the VA waited 30+ days (6/5/22-7/11/22) to notify me of needing additional evidence/documents for Unemployability (TDIU). NOW, I will probably wait at least ANOTHER 30+ days, since I uploaded those requested documents today 7/16/22. I could perchance, get a rating on the original first, (for PTSD-MST), then the VA rule on the TDIU after they review those docs they requested. BUT…I don’t think so. I think they are waiting on Unemployability (TDIU) evidence/documents to review altogether, then if they see evidence/proof of “Total Impairment,” for PTSD-MST, there would be a Decision for 100% singular for PTSD-MST, perhaps P&T. THAT would be a dream come true. Slim and remote chance, but anything is possible. Either way, my Effective Date will be 6/5/22 if I’m Determined TDIU. Then, my retro pay will go back to 2/22/21, because that is my original Effective Date. I’m hoping by the end of August I will have a decision on the whole thing. Since I uploaded those requested Unemployability (TDIU) documents today 7/16/22, ANOTHER 30 DAYS will pass and I could possibly get a Decision by end of August, for either 100% P&T or 70% PTSD w/TDIU (compensated at 100%). I would not be surprised if it goes another 60-90 days before a Decision is made. And, if by chance a miracle occurs, the rating could be even sooner than the 30 Days. It is a mystery how my claim that has been in the system for 545 days will be processed henceforth. This might help others see a timeline, for a case study. Praying for 100% P&T Singular OR 70% PTSD-MST w/TDIU paid at 100%.Prayers and good vibes, PLEASE! Blessings!!!
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