Buddy statement question
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I am getting a buddy statement to link TBI to service connection. I had 2 but only one where I can still find someone actually able to write a statement.
The statement is only able to be fairly basic. For example she only heard from my unit I was in a MVA and she noted I was disoriented, confused, and was ‘off’. She also remembered I was taken to the CTAS which I don’t even remember.
I refuse to allow anyone to embellish a buddy statement on my behalf (I have no concern that she would) so this is about the best I will be able to do for a letter. I know I was given a GCS exam on site and had to do 24hours of quarters. However, there is no record of this exam in my electronic file.
My question is would this (subjectively) be enough or should I continue trying to track people down?
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