Y'all talk me out of this, I'm gonna make trouble.
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So, complicated situation in my company; there is a female who, back when she was still just a spc, had a super bad hair situation (I think she tried to bleach/color and it came out awful) so instead of fixing it before the duty week, she slapped a head covering over it and showed up to work like that.
Everyone knew. Literally everyone. But when confronted about wearing a head covering in uniform, she claimed she had "found faith" and "converted to muslim" and that claim made her fucking untouchable. How exactly do you prove someone is faking it? You really can't. It's problematic but you just can't. Especially for a brand new inductee as she claimed to be, she wouldn't know what the pillars are or any other testable minutiae. We, and her PL, were forced to go along with it.
This was a pretty lengthy while back. I don't have exact dates, less than a year but more than six months. She has been adhering to the dressage standards pretty well in that time, using a black head covering for pt and wearing long sleeves and the pants for the hottest summer months and she got a green head covering to wear under her pc while in ocps and everything. Even updated her cac photo to show her face with the head covering on, replacing the one with visible hair. Making a good convincing effort. But!!!!!!! Only while on duty. People would consistently report seeing her around while in civvies during non-duty hours, wildly out-of-regs hair on full display, wearing revealing, low-cut tops and shorts and other things. The disparity made a lot of us angry but we kept our irritation to ourselves because... again... what are ya gonna do.
Yesterday (she has gone to the board and since pinned e5 in that time) her senior rater left for a school. Gonna be gone a hot fucking minute. We also have a brand new CO, XO, and 1SG, all replaced in that time. New set of people. Weren't there for the start of this.
This morning some short chick with red twists shows up to front my segment of the formation and I didn't recognize her... until she spoke. Our new convert the "muslim" has shown up to formation in shorts and without her head covering. (I know the word for it but in her case we all know she isn't for real so I won't be calling it the religious name because in her case it isn't one.) To say I was shocked that she had the audacity is an understatement.
Now I'm not muslim. I don't know very much about muslims, just a little. I also know there is a pretty big difference between faking it while doing your material honor and justice, and faking it while making a mockery of it for your own selfish gain. As one of probably 7 total non-christians in my unit, her behavior rubs me the wrong way and I desperately want to say something. I just can't with this woman. But if the only person she fears is her senior rater and while he's gone she feels comfortable to drop the façade in front of literally everyone else... would raising hell even make any difference?
I'm so twisted up inside I can't think straight. I did ask our Chaplain what did I miss, why tf is she in shorts, where is her head covering, what happened... and all he did was shrug helplessly and tell me her senior rater is away and can't enforce her own standards on her now.
Mockery should be unbecoming of an nco. Especially religious mockery. What do I do???
Do I need to let it go?
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