We're halfway through AT season for the Reserves; here are some ways to make sure you're getting paid correctly and on time.
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Hello all, I'm a DoD Civilian with an RPAC as well as an E5 in the Army Band. We're halfway through the period between May and August when most Reserve units go on their annual training, and I'm processing a mountain of orders every day. I want to make sure everyone gets paid correctly and quickly, but there are a ton of common errors that soldiers make when turning in orders that holds up their pay.
Get a physical or PDF copy of your orders and all amendments. There are so many soldiers who have an S1 section that holds on to everyone's orders until the end of AT when they certify them. Always have a copy for yourself in case anything goes wrong, or they are amended.
Update your DA 5960. This is the big one that will hold up any processing of orders. Make sure this is completed ideally before you even go on the orders. This determines your BAH, and is an annual requirement. If this document goes past due, your orders can't be paid at all. And for the love of God, make sure Box 6 is not today's date. It is the date of the action, ie the day you were married, the day your youngest child was born, or (if you're single with no dependents) when you entered the military. Keep a PDF of this form so you can just sign it annually if you have no life changes.
Put a date on your orders. There are four places that need a date when you certify orders: Two dates certifying when your orders started and when they ended. One date next to your signature on or after the final day of the orders, and the certifying person's signature on or after the final date. All four of those dates need to be legible. We cannot process orders without these dates.
Don't type your signature using a cursive font. This one is so satisfying for an administrator to catch. Just don't do it. CAC sign, or wet sign. You can type out your name, and the dates, and the certifying official's name too. But your signature and the certifying official must be handwritten, or digitally secured.
If your orders are for 8 days or more, have them submitted for pay on the first day you go on orders. This will make sure the orders can run through the entire DJMS-RC production cycle and pay out either while you're on orders, or maybe at most 3 days after they end.
PDF is the only acceptable file format if you are submitting things digitally. When people say "Just snap of picture of that document and email it to the S1/administrator," 'they're wrong. Full stop. Only submit pay in PDF format. Get a scanner app on your phone or something. The new printers that the Army Reserve is putting in all the Reserve Centers cannot print JPEGs correctly. We have to convert them to PDF. So just send a PDF.
I've spent all day certifying orders, and I send back about 10% of them for these mistakes, regardless of rank. I send back just as many LTC and MSG orders as I do PFC and SPC. There is nothing we hate more than holding up a soldier's pay. Please do yourself a favor this AT, and make sure your orders are filled out correctly.
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