Update: Cleared for Army!
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I posted in the past about my Rhabdomyolis (legs) from last year and how it was talking a long time to get cleared.... Well, I'm cleared!!! I've been biking as my primary mode of transportation and my legs are stronger than before. The PCP that cleared me warned me of the risks, but as long as I continue to take care of myself I will be fine. In basic, I'll just have to be prepared and constantly rest and hydrate when I can.
I don't know when I may leave. I feel like it may happen soon but I've been preparing in case anything happens. I have decided to do the reserves and I plan on going in as an E4 due to my current licenses as an EMT. (ACASP) I think that's what it's called, I checked all the requirements and I have them all. Trying to figure out how much money I'll have after all my training so I can quickly find a place and get hired at a job.
I hope my last few weeks of training at AIT will allow me to prep for my return home. Thank you all again for the advice and support!
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