Today I learned to not assume gender based on voice over the phone in the Army…
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I was on the phone with a ConTrAcToR for some questions related to my field, and not gonna lie, her voice is quite deep for a woman…After I got the answer that I wanted, I said “thank you sir”. That’s where I knew I messed up because he/she immediately said “it’s ma’am”. I said “sorry sir?” that wasn’t intentional, I genuinely did not prepare myself for that reply after a thank you sir. Then he/she said it again in a deep voice “ I said it’s ma’am” then I realized it’s one of those situation…later on I found her on LinkedIn based on the name being provided on system automatic email, her page clearly stated “transphobia kills”. This settled down my confusion for the rest of my career.
I would post her LinkedIn page and my email screen shot but due to I do not wish to get sued, so stay safe and gender neutral, guys! Sorry, I mean everyone.
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