Prior Service 92y trying to go SFAS but recruiter is telling me I have to redo OSUT despite already re-completing it.
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Hello, I'm a prior service 92y. In 2021 I reenlisted in the army but had to redo BCT due to my break in service. I went to infantry OSUT. At about week 18 I had a minor surgery (all healed and cleared for duty with paperwork to prove it).
I ended up being separated and said I could reenlist 6 months later. When I went to try and reenlist, the recruiter said I would have to redo OSUT (I was going 18x) because there was nothing saying I completed OSUT.
However, the drill sergeants pushed us all to do only the bare minimum graduation requirements. They told us we were "done on paper" around week 16.
Despite my recruiter saying I have no proof of completion, I do have a DA 5286- R that says,
"Soldier has satisfactorily completed all Basic Combat Training tasks to include, army values, suicide prevention, equal opportunity, sexual harassment, appropriate behavior, and army traffic safety program, as well as the infantry OSUT training program of instruction as indicated above"
And it is followed by a signature from my commander.
Shouldn't that be sufficient enough to prove that I completed BCT/OSUT?
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