Preserving Army Traditions
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13 years ago my life was changed forever. PV2 specific_wait was there 2 hours prior to a BDE run formation ready to burn off the 6 pack of Coors banquet from the night before. Raining on and off, the BDE CSM finally takes charge of formation. CSM rambles on about walking on grass, hands in pockets, whitewalls and whatever else they teach at USASMA. I start to zone out thinking about the new angry Ms SSG in the S3 that one of us need to smash when I hear it…ZONK! I wasn’t ready. I have heard stories from from the crustiest of E8s but have never experienced it for myself. My first time, it happened so quick. Lower enlisted scattered like roaches while senior ncos on permanent no run profiles Forest Gump’d their way to run again. It was truly one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life but would mentally scar me forever.
For the past 13 years, EVERY single formation, I grasp to a sliver of hope that I will again be zonked. I hang on every word that my leadership says in hope to hear that magical word again. Some say that the hardest part of the military is experiencing war, garrison living conditions, pay never keeping up with inflation, leadership being promoted while clearly unfit but to me personally it was having a SPC Bonk in formation for almost two years. My emotions were a wreck because of that asshole and I will never forgive him.
I will have a CFA #1 no pickles with a military discount and a thank you for my service.
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