Never going out with a military town girl again!
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I’m a 22 year old 2LT who visited my best friend at Fort Sill during Labor Day weekend. Was having a great ass time and living it up.
Like many service members, my boy, his other LT friends, and I went to scooters on Friday to drink and party. Was having a great time since and didn’t know much since I’m not from Lawton.
Then this girl hits on me. Since I was drunk, I flirt back and we talk. In reality she’s really a 4/10 at most. She’s 28 and from the area. We agree to go on a date upcoming Sunday. But during the days in between, she spams me with texts.
Sunday comes and since I’ve become sober, I was already regretting going on that date. We meet up at a restaurant and I felt the vibes were off. We talked for a bit and like the skeptical person I am, I ask her why she wanted to go out with me and her motives. She gaslights me and says I’m confrontational and insecure. While in reality, I told her I was leaving this Tuesday.
Then she obsesses over the fact that I am Asian. This is where it I had enough. She was still racist as she said that “I prefer Asian men but there’s other types of Asians I don’t like because of their background”. Cause of that, I felt that was fucked up.
Later she says she’s 28 obviously and tells me that she only goes on dates with 22 year old guys…. Low key kinda creepy lol but it’s whatever.
And I guessed it, her dad is a retired Army officer and she “knows all stuff” about young officers. Deadass felt prayed upon lol.
But like a gentleman, I still paid the bill and I just left to my car and drove the fuck away back to fort sill.
So yes, this is why I will never date anyone who lives in a military town. Bad experience. 1/10.
Tell me about some crazy stories about dating in a military town lol
I’ll take some chicken, rice, and broccoli. I’m cutting and need to do well on the ACFT in 3 weeks.
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