Leaving for BCT in two weeks and run time hasn’t improved help
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I enlisted on the army at the beginning of august and now I only have 2 weeks before I ship for basic I tried my damndest to get my run endurance up but I can’t even run a mile in 8 minutes, how the hell can anyone even get in shape, my shin splints are killing me I’ve been running almost every day and my run time has been getting worse not better, how the hell can anyone even develop.
I just jog until I get tired and walk tried elliptic said I can do two miles in 19 minutes yet when I run I can’t even keep a steady pace for .25 miles. What do I do, why the hell hasn’t my endurance improved at all
Should I give up? If I’m not ready for basic now and can’t get ready in a month I doubt I’ll be able to improve at all at BCT
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