Clinic calling my injury "congenital" Am I missing something here?
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Back in February I threw my back out during an ACFT. My leadership wanted everyone to get 80% or higher in every event but didn't do any sort of train up.
I went to the ER and got a toradol shot and was told to go home. 3 days later, I'm not better so they do a CT Scan find some maladies. I go see a provider for a follow up and was accused of malingering and told if I go back to the ER I'd be chaptered out. Months go by, still in pain but scared to get put out. My leadership sees I'm visibly in pain and makes me see a doctor. Doc orders an MRI and finds 2 bulging discs. L4-L5 mild bulge to left side L5-S1 moderate bulge to the right. Neuroforaminal stenosis secondary to disc bulging. Bilateral nerve root compression.
How can this be deemed "congenital" if I never had problems until I got hurt in February and have been fucked up ever since? Are they just trying to cover their asses and not say it's service connected?
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