1st amendment rights issue. Who do I speak to?
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Something happened a few months ago. It was off base, and had nothing to do with the Army or UCMJ, and it literally is not that serious. Long story short, they are trying to chapter me with an OTH. I have had a plethora of panic attacks, genuine worry, and sleepless nights. Certain events have even led me to getting hospitalized a couple times here at the local hospital for some mental health stuff and have been put on meds and now am a BH customer. I can go on and on about what has happened. I have spoken to everyone, IG, EO, my Chaplain, JAG, all the way up to Brigade, and I have even considered going up to Division. I have been accused of "Possible Malingering" by one of my leaders, the day I got out of the hospital, after I threatened myself with a knife. I have 4.5 months until I am able to properly ETS with all my benefits. I need help, because I have not worked my ass off for the Army for 4 years just to get chaptered with an OTH. There is also literally a dude in my unit getting chaptered with a Gen Under Honorable when he smoked crack and dated a fucking teenager.
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