If you could pay for your associates degree on your own, would you still join the the military? What do you regret about joining? What makes it the best decision you've made?
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Looking into the usaf for the basic benefits. Healthcare, college, etc. Only thing is I'm not thrilled about leaving where I live. I'm 24, stuck working fast food but am considering school for rad tech to make decent money. I've been constantly going back and forth from joining the military to just going to school. I'm not thrilled with the thought of leaving my partner and friends behind for the unknown. I've gotten comfortable here I guess. I'm ready to move on in life whether that means military or college.
I come from a military family so they are all incredibly biased and had great experiences, but I want to hear about experiences from more than just my family.
I have the opportunity to try for a rad tech program near me and it would be tight but i could pay for it with my savings. I'm just torn on what to do and I'm terrified of making a decision I regret. The air force has always interested me but i also dont love the idea of living on base for years althoigh i could join as an e3 so maybe i wouldnt be stuck there for long.
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