Story of the Month for March 2023: The Bone Marrow Guy of Fort Bliss.
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March has come and gone. I turned another year old. The sub grew larger. We had fun. If you missed it, for April Fool's we switched to fictional stories. Thanks to /u/SolariaHues for helping us switch the banners for a day.
In addition, we lost an old warrior when /u/dittybopper passed away. He was known personally to some of the moderation team, and he helped make this place. Because of that, we are going to leave his memorial post up this month and permanently archive his stories for those who come later. Rest easy brother.
Reminder: New monthly winner awards are Community Award for 1st place, Reddit Gold for second place and Reddit Silver for third place. All three may also have custom user flair if they like.
Your Story of the Month for March is "The Bone Marrow Guy of Fort Bliss" by /u/blissbonemarrowguy. This whole thing was near and dear to my heart, losing my brother to Leukemia. I'd like to thank you personally for being the best kind of E4 Mafia. Congratulations. You will get gilded and may have custom flair if you like - contact the moderation team.
Our Runner-Up for February is ""Sir, Permission to punch in you in the face, sir!?" by /u/frost_beckons. Pepper spray and CS gas are no damn fun. You will get gilded and may have custom flair if you like - contact the moderation team.
Our Honorable Mention for February is "My Naval Submarine Story" by /u/CautiousRiver3506. Safety is paramount, and we have had lots of tales of accidents here before. You will get gilded and may have custom flair if you like - contact the moderation team.
Everyone stay safe and we will see you next month.
Congratulations to our winners!
January 2023 Winner "I can absolutely refuse a NJP and I will SSGT" by /u/nospamkhanman.
February 2023 Winner "Mohammed's Radio" by /u/dittybopper.
March 2023 Winner "The Bone Marrow Guy of Fort Bliss" by /u/blissbonemarrowguy.
Q: How are winners chosen?
A: We look at upvotes, comment history, community awards/reddit awards and throw in a bit of the "arbitrary mods" rule. It isn't completely scientific, but it is close.
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If you are looking for the Best of 2019 Winners - HERE YOU GO.
If you are looking for the Best of 2020 Winners - HERE YOU GO.
If you are looking for the Best of 2021 Winners - HERE YOU GO.
If you are looking for the Best of 2022 Winners - HERE YOU GO.
If you are looking for the Summer Shutdown posts, they are HERE.
If you are looking for the 2021 Moderator Drunken AMA post, it is HERE.
If you are looking for the 2023 Moderator Drunken AMA post, it is HERE.
Our Bone Marrow Registry announcement with /u/blissbonemarrowguy is HERE
/u/DittyBopper Memorial Post is HERE.
OneLove 22ADay Slava Ukraini! Heróyam sláva!
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