Stories from AIT
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I just want to share one of my favorite stories from when I was in ait a few years ago just something light and funny.
I was at ft. Rucker in Alabama. I had been there for a few months I was 19 So I was still pretty young and I’m an only child so saying my parents were attached to me was an understatement so much so that when I got on the bus to go to meps they said goodbye I got on the bus then they followed the bus all the way up to Raleigh just to be able to say goodbye again in the morning.
So I had finally gotten out of the home sickness and I was really living my best life and it kept forgetting to call home for a few weeks. So I had gotten out of class one day and I get a phone call from my platoon sgt. he was asking to me to come to his office because somebody needs to speak to me and it’s important. So I head down to the office nervous. When he opens the door guess who is standing there my dad! I was beyond surprised and embarrassed. I was just like how are you standing here right now? He said well I been calling you and you haven’t returned my calls so I had to come find you. And I really enjoyed sitting here past few hours I drove all night and morning. My platoon sgt was like why didn’t you ever mention it that your father is a retired sergeant major? Idk I never thought about it I didn’t think I needed to lol. Now of course he knew where I was. But he never had the address or any other information. And I know he’s never been there. So he basically just showed up to ft Rucker and said this is who I am and this is who I’m looking for.
And I have no idea what he said to my nco about me but he just decided he was gonna hang out here for a while and they let him! He stayed there for like weeks on base. He made sure my last room inspection was damn near perfect. He did my uniform for graduation. They even let him on the pt field for my last pt test to watch me. And of course he was right there at graduation. At the time I was so embarrassed like who else had there parents with them while there taking a pt test lol.
I have other stories too they made that year very interesting.
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