US new 30mm Strykers ready to fight in Europe
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The 2nd Cavalry Regiment, also known as the 2nd Dragoons, active Stryker infantry and cavalry regiment of the United States Army, conducts a live ammunition test fire with the 30mm Stryker Infantry Carrier Vehicle – Dragoon ( ICV-D) at the Grafenwoehr Training Area, Grafenwoehr, Germany.
The first received Stryker vehicles with remotely-operated 30mm cannon weapon system take part in live ammunition test fire and is are ready to carry out their combat missions.
These new 30mm Stryker ICV-D’s, named for the 2CR Dragoons, are currently undergoing test fires for the first time in the European Theater. This upgraded Stryker has a remotely-operated 30mm cannon weapon system, unmanned turret, a new, fully-integrated commander’s station; and upgraded driveline component and hull modifications, according to information from Program Executive Office-Ground Combat Systems.
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It was created to fill a capability gap in the European theater that puts Soldiers at unacceptable risk. The new 30mm Stryker ICV-D will provide a capacity to resist to Russian-made BMP-3 and Kurganets-25 infantry fighting vehicles.
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This variant increases lethality and provides 2CR the additional assets needed to defend the NATO Alliance against any adversaries if called to do so.
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