What Would Space Force FIX? No One Would Notice Its Disappearance
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Born as what most thought was a joke in March 2018, President Trump’s Space Force had by June become a White House directive to the Pentagon. Since then the Trump Administration has been considering possible variants in the Force’s subordination, authorities, size, and budget, while Acting SecDef Shanahan has already created a working group to… Keep reading →
‘Thousands’ More Troops To US Border, But Colombia Deployment Unclear: Shanahan
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Shanahan spent much of his first formal (albeit off-camera) Pentagon pressroom briefing as SecDef emphasizing continuity with his ousted predecessor, Gen. Jim Mattis. He made a point of praising Mattis’s National Defense Strategy, America’s allies, and even the press – not exactly favorites of President Donald Trump.
Hack, Jam, Sense & Shoot: Army Creates 1st Multi-Domain Unit
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A new Army unit will hack and jam enemy networks and provide targeting data for both long-range missiles and missile defense.
SAIC-Engility Merger Doubles Intel & Space Revenue, Downplays Vehicles
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Building physical things is not SAIC’s, well, thing. But physically building stuff has become less important and less profitable than integrating all the complex high-tech components and making sure they work together.
Missile Defense Review a Multi-Billion IOU to White House
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PENTAGON: Military and civilian leaders at the Pentagon are portraying the new Missile Defense Review as a common-sense response to aggressive Chinese and Russian investments in new hypersonic weapons and faster, longer-range missiles. The review marks “a new era in missile defense” undersecretary for policy John Rood said at the Pentagon Thursday. But mostly what… Keep reading →
White House Missile Defense Review: Space Lasers, Weapons On Table
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WASHINGTON: The Pentagon is studying options for putting lasers, directed energy weapons, and missile defense systems into space to protect against an array of increasingly advanced ballistic and cruise missiles being developed by China, Russia, and North Korea, a senior Trump administration official said Wednesday. President Trump is set to announce the results of a… Keep reading →
‘A Chinese Military That is Active Everywhere:’ DIA China Military Power Report
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WASHINGTON: China is not ready to wage war far beyond the shores of Taiwan, but it is pressing hard to develop some advanced weapons and increasingly wants to project power beyond its shores with an increasingly capable military. Those are the fundamental conclusions of the Defense Intelligence Agency in a unique report with its roots… Keep reading →
Services Wargaming Multi-Domain Consensus: Army 3-Star Futurist
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“All the services understand the need to move to Multi-Domain Operations,” Lt. Gen. Wesley said. “Second, we all agree that MDC2 [Multi-Domain Command & Control] is the most important joint problem that we have to solve. After that, the specifics of how you conduct MDO – that’s where the variance is that we’ve got to converge on.”
2019 Forecast: Hard Choices On Invisible Warfare
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There are real signs of a renaissance in electronic warfare. Now comes the hard part: translating new strategies and concepts into doctrine, requirements, and systems in the field.
From Paris To Orbit: France’s New Space Strategy
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With the landmark CSO-1 satellite launch December 19th and a new space strategy out soon, the French government is finally stepping up in space. A French-led, Europe-wide effort to modernize space capabilities had been announced in 2010, but it had been stalled for lack of urgency and funding. Now that’s changing.