Russia Builds New Co-Orbital Satellite: SWF, CSIS Say
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“I think the most important bits are … about the recent Russian RPOs likely being an SSA/intelligence program and possibly supporting the new Burevestnik co-orbital program,” said Brian Weeden, technical advisor to the Secure World Foundation.
Multi-Domain Networks: The Army, The Allies & AI
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Even with Australia, one of our closest allies, it can be hard to share data. And the Army’s future war plans require seamless network coordination with the other US services and foreign allies.
U.S. India ASAT Test React May Backfire, Experts Say
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The India ASAT test could have provided an opportunity for leadership from the Trump administration to help prevent the creation of space debris.
Theresa Hitchens Joins Breaking D, Just In Time For Space Symposium
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Some 21 years ago I started work at Defense News, working for their brand new editor. Today, the redoubtable Theresa Hitchens, space pundit, NATO and nuclear war expert, former UN diplomat, and my longtime colleague joins Breaking Defense to report on space. Theresa will add the rest of Air Force under her wing over the… Keep reading →
India Anti-Satellite Strike: Less Debris Likely, Not Like China’s
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Much of the debris will burn up in the atmosphere in weeks — but the potential for a global arms race in space won’t disappear so soon.
HASC Chair Smith To White House: Forget Your Space Force
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The day before Acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahn appears before the HASC, Chairman Smith hammers White House Space Force.
Five Principles To Drive The Space Force
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Half of all private-sector divestments lose value, and many of the most common risks of carve-outs in the private sector also apply to the military. Here are ways to avoid those pitfalls.
Say It With Space Lasers: Optical Comsats For Major War
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Nine years after the Pentagon tried and failed to build laser communications satellites, can the private sector get it done?
Space Force May Not Fix Space Acquisition Mess
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Military space programs have to navigate a maze of 60 agencies. Creating a Space Force may not make things simpler.
Lasers, Hypersonics, & AI: Mike Griffin’s Killer Combo
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How will the US kill enemy hypersonic weapons in future war? The Pentagon’s research chief has some high-tech ideas.