Russian Robots Attack! West Point Comic’s (Plausible) Future War
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“Is this possible? Probably,” one retired Army officer told me. “Are the Russians trying to figure out how to disable all the M1s so they can run over us with their robots? I hope that’s where they’re spending their time.”
Poland Signals Russia With Huge Missile Defense Deal
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The $4.75 billion air defense deal gives NATO a significant new defense against growing Russian threats in the Baltic.
NATO Joins 27 Countries, Expels Russian Diplomats In Clear Signal To Putin
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As NATO takes unprecedented steps to punish Russia, US Defense Secretary Mattis calls Russian attack in UK “attempted murder.”
Israel Edges To NATO As Turkey Pivots To Russia
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For a while, Turkey and Israel were the unexpected couple, the increasingly Muslim state buying the Jewish state’s weapons and Israel offering Turkey a potentially strategic gas and oil pipeline. Today, Israel is reaching out to NATO and Turkish-Israeli relations are increasingly tense.
Army Will Field 100 Km Cannon, 500 Km Missiles: LRPF CFT
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The Army is modernizing three artillery systems: 155 cannon, the cheapest option, for the close fight against the enemy’s frontline forces; guided rockets for the deep fight against enemy reinforcements and supply lines; and missiles, the most expensive munitions, for very deep or even strategic strikes against targets in the enemy rear and homeland.
Crucial Polish Missile Defense Site Delayed Two Years: MDA
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With the Pentagon and White House increasingly worried about ballistic missile threats from “rogue” states and peer competitors, the Polish site is increasingly critical.
The End Of The American Way of War; The Cold War Really Is Over
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The American way of war — using overpowering industrial might, crushing firepower, and owning the sea and skies — may have come to an end, a top Pentagon official says. For the past two decades, “the Chinese and the Russians have been working to undermine that model,” said Elbridge Colby, deputy assistant secretary of defense… Keep reading →
Exclusive — Rethinking Intel In The Age of Trump: DNI Coats & PDDNI Gordon
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The great challenge for intelligence agencies in the age of Trump was dramatically highlighted this month when a senior South Korean delegation arrived at the White House carrying a secret bombshell message. North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un wanted a face-to-face summit with President Donald Trump to discuss Pyongyang’s nuclear weapons program. Waiting to debrief… Keep reading →
Allies “Entering a New World” in Confronting Russia, U.K. Official Says
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A British defense official talks about an age of competition among great powers, putting the Ministry of Defense on the same page as its Pentagon colleagues
Build Missile Defense Space Sensors Now
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Faced with an improving Russian threat, the United States should deploy a serious space sensor layer to provide persistent birth-to-death tracking of missiles, including against the kind that rip through the air at low altitudes 20 times the speed of sound (hypersonics).