Crider: SSA Data ‘Library’ Will Open To Allies
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Air Force Space Command’s ‘Unified Data Library’ combining DoD and commercial SSA data will be open to allied governments.
Pentagon Needs Hill Help With Software Fixes, Including On F-35
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Acquisition chief Ellen Lord wants a radically new way of buying software, but appropriators have to approve.
No Regrets On JEDI Cloud: DDS Chief Chris Lynch
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The famously hoodie-clad founder of the Defense Digital Service defends his legacy as he prepares to hand over the helm.
Simulating A Super Brain: Artificial Intelligence In Wargames
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It’s one thing to wargame the impact of faster jets, bigger bombs, or tougher tanks. But how do you simulate something that’s smarter than you are?
How AI Could Change The Art Of War
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Time-honored principles of command get weird when you add the fundamentally alien thinking of an artificial intelligence.
Rush To Military AI Raises Cyber Threats
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UAE minister of state for artificial intelligence: failure by governments to take proactive measures to ensure the cybersecurity of AI systems “is going to come back to bite us.”
Air Force Launches Electronic Warfare Roadmap: EMS ECCT 2.0
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PENTAGON: The Air Force is looking across the enterprise to build a comprehensive map of all electronic warfare capabilities for the second stage of its landmark service-wide probe of how to bolster the Air Force’s EW and cyber warfare capabilities. Gen. Paul Selva, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has already been briefed… Keep reading →