US Gives Russia 60 Days Before INF Withdrawal; NATO Comes Around
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After five years of talks and a wall of Russian denials, NATO and Washington call Putin’s bluff and say they’re ready to do something about Russian violations of a 31 year-old arms control treaty. But Europe is worried.
Mattis Slams Putin; Says No ‘Smoking Gun’ on Khashoggi Murder
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REAGAN DEFENSE FORUM: Defense Secretary Jim Mattis accused Russia of trying to influence the 2018 midterm elections and accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of being “duplicitous” in violating international treaties. The secretary’s statements come one day after President Trump chatted on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Argentina with Putin, this after Trump cancelled… Keep reading →
Forget The Terminator For Future Army AI: LTG Wesley
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DETROIT: The Artificial Intelligence the military needs most is not some kind of killer robot, the Army’s three-star senior futurist told me today. The Army really needs AI to make sense of lots of data, fast, so commanders and quartermasters can send the right forces with the right supplies to the right place on the… Keep reading →
New Second Fleet To Stay Lean, Unpredictable, Commander Says; & Watching China
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The Arctic will become increasingly crowded in the coming years, and the US Navy’s Second Fleet is making it a priority to get up there more often.
Russians Tried to Jam NATO Exercise; Swedes Say They’ve Seen This Before
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The Russians played around at the edges of this month’s Trident Juncture exercise in Norway, but that was to be expected. New moves in the Baltic Sea, however, have some concerned.
NATO To ‘Integrate’ Offensive Cyber By Members
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“NATO is clear that we will not perform offensive cyberspace operations,” said Maj. Gen. Wolfgang Renner. “However, we will integrate sovereign cyberspace effects from the allies who are willing to volunteer.”
European Navies: Stepping Back Into the Game At Euronaval
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Two years have passed since Le Bourget hosted the last Euronaval show, two years during which the maritime world has become increasingly multipolar. For example, just in the submarine business, more than 40 countries are nowadays involved. In the meantime, Russia added 28 new ships to its fleet in 2018 alone, while China, with a… Keep reading →
Beyond INF: Countering Russia, Countering China (Analysis)
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“Long-range precision fires… would provide us the capability (to) either, for example, support the Air Force by suppressing enemy air defenses at hundreds upon hundreds of miles or support the Navy by engaging enemy surface ships at great distances as well,” said Army Secretary Mark Esper. But those examples are two distinctly different missions, each most relevant to a different theater of war.
US Army Pursues Israeli Robots
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TARDEC, soon to be part of the new Army Futures Command, is exploring a wide range of Israeli robots. But IAI is already looking into the next generation: “flocks” or swarms of robotic systems that communicate with each other and collaborate to accomplish their mission.
Arms Sales Way Up – But Trump Wants More
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The United States signed off on arms exports worth $192.3 billion over the past year, a full 13 percent increase from the previous year — even as the Trump administration keeps pushing hard to sell more weapons, more quickly, to more allies overseas.