#VAFail – VA sent thousands of letters to incorrect addresses
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The Department of Veterans Affairs just can’t figure out how to send mail. In February we told you about Scott Davis, an employee at the VA’s national enrollment office in Atlanta, who warned that the VA was about to throw 500,000 veterans’ applications in the trash because of mistakes they made. The VA needed more information to process the veterans’ claims, but sent the wrong request to each veteran.
Now it turns out many of those letters may have never reached their intended recipients. Davis has written yet another letter to President Trump. In it, he provides information that shows of the almost 500,000 notification letters sent by the VA last year, almost half weren’t delivered. According to the Washington Examiner:
Nearly 77,000 addresses were identified by a ‘bad address indicator’ in the VA’s system. Another 54,000 letters were not accepted by software, so those letters were never sent.
And more than 98,000 letters were ‘undeliverable.’
The mailing debacle means hundreds of thousands of applications haven’t been processed, and veterans aren’t getting the health care they need. Davis says this is just another example of how the VA is “grossly mismanaged.”
“The VA’s own documents confirm that nearly half of the veterans who were supposed to receive notification letters didn’t receive them,” he wrote. “Based on this information it would be unconscionable for the administration to allow VA to go forward with their plans of purging these applications.”
Make no mistake, veterans shouldn’t be on the hook for the VA’s mismanagement. The men and women who put their lives at risk to defend our freedom deserve better than half-hearted attempts to contact them.
It’s time to give VA Secretary Shulkin and other administrators the power to start cleaning up this agency through the VA Accountability First Act. Click here to learn more about the act and demand that Congress pass the legislation.
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