#VAFail – VA sends veteran the confidential records of 12 other vets
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Is the VA just going to say, “Oh no, not again” to the same mistake being made over and over? That has been the response by VA staff in the past when notified of confidential records being sent to the wrong person. Strict laws exist to protect the privacy of medical records, yet the medical records of veterans have not received the same treatment and respect.
The VA system has failed our vets yet again in Virginia.
James Graves requested his own service-connected disability papers from the VA. That should have been a simple task to complete. But when Graves received his documents he discovered that he not only received the wrong documents, but also the personal documents of 12 other veterans.
According to the report, the stack of paper contained information regarding dependency awards, which include financial information, for each of the 12 veterans. The amount of money each receives from the VA for their dependent children, the children’s names, the home addresses, and the social security numbers were among the records.
This is not acceptable. The disclosed material is incredibly concerning as it could have led to identity theft for any of these veterans, not to mention it’s a violation of privacy. This lack of oversight at the VA caused a breach of security for the 12 individuals and their children.
With the recent passing of the VA Accountability and Whistleblower Protection Act, we are hopeful those involved in careless and mismanaged acts such as this will be held responsible. However, the VA still needs more reform. Veterans should have more options and choice in where they can receive care. They should not have to go to facilities known for long waits, mismanagement, or improper and poor care. Through choice and accountability, veterans can seek care for their specific needs and have the assurance that their information is secure.
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