This Week on the Hill
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Congress returns to Washington, D.C. with a full plate of hearings and votes. Here’s your guide to military and veteran happenings in the House and Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committees this week.
The biggest news for veterans will be the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee’s vote on VA secretary nominee Robert Wilkie, who grew up in a military family and is a Navy and Air Force veteran. The VA secretary position has been open for several months following David Shulkin’s dismissal. Keep an eye on the final stretch of Wilkie’s confirmation process here.
The House Veterans’ Affairs Committee has back-to-back meetings on Thursday. At 10:00 a.m. there will be a quick business meeting to assign Rep. Bill Flores to subcommittees as he rejoined the committee just before the Independence Day recess. The committee is also establishing the Subcommittee on Technology and Modernization as well as assigning its members. The VA is currently updating its electronic health records system and oversight by the committee will be essential.
At 10:15 a.m. the committee will roll right into a markup of pending legislation. You can watch both those meetings here.
Stay up to date with veterans’ news on CVA’s Overwatch blog.
The post This Week on the Hill appeared first on Concerned Veterans for America.
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