School Day Becomes The Best Day Ever When Sister Sees Her Brother After Three Long Years
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She had no idea he had come home to surprise her.
“Dear Santa, My Daddy Is In Iraq And All I Want Is To Bring Him Home For Christmas”
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One thing. Just one thing! That's all this little girl wanted for Christmas.
For Christmas, All This Three-Year-Old Wants Is a Truck, and For Her Daddy to Come Home. And Santa Gives a Resounding, “Yes!” to This Sweet Homecoming Surprise!
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By the time Christmas rolled around, there were only two things that young Kensley Penny wanted: 1) a truck and 2) for her daddy to come home. And, boy, will your eyes be damp when you see how she reacts to getting her wish.
The Way These Kids Light Up When They See Their Father For The First Time After Months Is So Beautiful!
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In my opinion, a homecoming video isn't complete unless it includes cute little kids and adorable reactions. Luckily for us, this reunion includes both! What a beautiful family!
She Has No Idea That Her Son Is Santa! No Idea! A Surprise Well Done, Sir.
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Army Specialist Travis Ruggeiro had absolutely no problem whatsoever with putting on the santa suit after returning from Afghanistan. Why? Because it meant that he'd be able to surprise his loving mother.
Though They’re Unable to Make It Home For Thanksgiving, These Troops Tell Us All What They’re Thankful For
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Due to their deployment to Liberia, the troops in the video below will be unable to make home for Thanksgiving this year. Still, as you'll see in the video, they have a lot to be thankful for.
It Starts With a Lone Cellist… And Grows to 120 Musicians! The U.S. Air Force Band Flash Mobs the Smithsonian In Style!
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For me, this particular flash mob goes where no flash mob has gone before: to actually playing the music! See, most of the flash mobs I've witnessed have all included dancing of some sort, rather than actually creating the music. And, you know what? After watching this, I don't know if I'll ever see flash mobs the same way!
The Look On This Brother’s Face When He Really Realizes Why They Are Really At This Hockey Game Is So Heartwarming.
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I don't know about you, but I never get tired of watching surprise homecomings. This one is extra special, because PFC Hunter Taylor hasn't seen his family since he joined the army. The reactions from his family when they realized why they were really at the Blackhawks game is priceless!
Rihanna’s Tribute Song To Veterans Is So Heartfelt
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This is an absolute must-see music video.
LOL! I Can’t Say I Wouldn’t React the Exact Same Way, But This Is Priceless! Happy Thanksgiving to All!
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Come Thanksgiving, every family's wish is to have a full house. Brother, sister, aunt, cousin, everyone should be present and accounted for. This soldier understands that wish.