This Adorable Girl Calms Her Newborn Sister By Doing the Sweetest Thing!
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This sweet little girl is so excited to meet her new baby sister! After inspecting the new baby's fingers and toes and chattering away about how good she is, the little girl suddenly goes quiet when the baby starts to cry -- and what happens next is priceless!
Everything you ever need to know about a groundhog in 1 minute, 10 seconds!
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Groundhog day is upon us, and whether you think spring is around the corner or we're in for six more weeks of snow, you should probably know a little something about this furry and enigmatic critter... before he decides our fate!
The Last Person Chris Expected to See Just Revealed Himself…
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As described by his father, Chris Bratic is a goofball. He likes to have fun and joke around. Which makes his reaction to his father's homecoming surprise that much more meaningful.
What A Beautiful Reunion! I’m So Happy The Voshells Are Back Together Again!
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The Voshells have been apart for quite some time while Mr. Voshell was serving our country overseas. Anxiously awaiting his arrival, his wife paced and tried to keep busy while the bus containing her husband pulled up. When they finally spot each other at the 2:35 mark, their happiness practically fills the room!
This is Probably the Biggest Hug She Has Ever Given!
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This girl's dad was serving overseas in Afghanistan.
A Marine Is Finally Reunited With His Wife And Baby!
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It's wonderful to see a military family reunited after a long deployment!
When She Finally Spots Her Marine At The 6:16 Mark, My Heart Soared!
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This homecoming video may be longer than most, but I promise it is worth every second! With anticipation building, Justin and Austen anxiously awaite their reunion after many months apart. When she finally spots her marine at the 6:16 mark, you can practically feel her joy through the computer.
This Little Guy Must’ve Had Himself a Long Day! He Gives His Dad’s Homecoming the Cutest Speed Bump!
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Your dad, who has been deployed for some time now, is finally coming home. FINALLY! How does that make you feel? You feel excited, right? Well, I'm sure this boy was super excited at one point (maybe even all day!) but, by the time his dad actually gets home, he's just so dang tired!
His Father Surprises Him Moments After He Makes His Graduation Speech.
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U.S. Army Staff Sgt. Jamie Schott was able to fly home from Kuwait for graduation, unbeknownst to his son, Nick. Shortly after Nick delivers a speech about the importance of military service to his classmates, his dad appears on stage to surprise him. Watch the results, you can't help but be moved.
After Waiting 100 Days To See Her Fiancé, Emma Finally Got Her Christmas Wish!
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Emma hasn't seen her fiancé Jon in 100 days because he has been deployed while serving in the Air Force. They got engaged over the phone while he was overseas, and he hasn't had a proper chance to propose to her. Jon teamed up with the Delta flight crew and passengers in order to give Emma the best welcome home surprise she could imagine. It all starts with a single rose...