What's the most random minor task you were ever given in the military?
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Coming back from the invasion of Iraq in 2003, my Marine artillery unit floated back on a Navy ship. During the invasion my unit had somehow acquired several pallets of Iraqi beer, a brand called Sherezade.
When the fighting died down we trucked the beer down to Kuwait and loaded it on the ship. They kept it secured and once a month during cook-outs on the deck they'd issue a max of two beers per man, so could have MGD, Miller Lite, or Iraqi beer.
We were going to pull into Hawaiian waters so we were told the Iraqi beer had to be chucked over the side so we weren't importing alcohol. So butterbar me gets assigned to supervise a working party of six enlisted Marines to dump the bottles.
Where we were on the deck there was no clear way to just shove the pallets, so guys were just taking individual bottles and yeeting them off the ship. Then the Staff Sergeant opines the bottles will sink faster if empty.
So for the next 30+ minutes I watched the LCpls pop open each beer, take a swig and chuck the bottle. For several pallets. I dgaf since we were all burned out coming back from the fighting. It's probably the coolest working party I ever saw.
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