This is from A Combat Veteran
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The link is underneath. I don't know why this video made me express this. I would hate to see my brothers and sisters part of the 22 statistic.
Here's some new music by A Combat Veteran. I've been a subscriber of his for a few years now. I have fought with depression and suicide ideation and almost fully committed to going through with it a few times. I...
Navy quietly shut down climate change task force
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submitted by /u/PreserveForOurFuture [link] [comments] |
How do you go about joining the 82nd airborne?
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What are the requirements and things i should do to get into the 82nd division?
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Inter-unit relationships?
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E4 asks an E5 out on a date. Same career field. Same flight/platoon, different element/squad. Not in chain.
Not fraternization, but definitely rumor mill material. Both Reservists so military comes into play once a month.
Anything against it? Both UCMJ or IMHO wise?
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Navy has some next level challange coins. Shocked I never saw one with a beer opener before
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submitted by /u/Yanrogue
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What do these medals mean? Grandfather was an army medic in WW2
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submitted by /u/itsacalamity [link] [comments] |
Saudi F-15SA in a nutshell [1080x1080]
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submitted by /u/rhussain81 [link] [comments] |