Marines then Army or just Army?
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I am still very new to this so please bare with me. I am not currently old enough to join but I want to when I am. I want to join the Army because
1: My father was in it
2 I like the sound of being a soldier
3: I’ve heard they were better funded and more plentiful in numbers
4: Army is mainly on the ground while the Marines are amphibious
5: I like the uniform (Not that important I don’t think)
anyone know where this is from? (apart from spain obviously)
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“consejo superior del deporte militar” [link] [comments] |
Aircraft turrets and defense tactics. Interesting historical facts you might not know. Ep. 1 [VIDEO]
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submitted by /u/Atellani [link] [comments] |
Are assistant gunners still relevant in a modern combat role??
Posted on
In context to the middle east and Ukraine, i wonder how the role has evolved since the 40s-70s.
With guns like the m240 or pkm that need a barrel change, is it usually the gunner carrying the spare barrel(s)? I also imagine having 400-600 rounds can run out quickly, so how does an 'A.G' take care of himself aswell as paying attention to the gun or gunners needs?
Possible to switch branches after contract is up as an officer?
Posted on
Like it says, curious if anyone knows anyone who went from one branch to another after their service as an officer. I’ve only heard secondhand of one instance where it happened, though that was an exceptional case.
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Does anyone know how to track down family medals?
Posted on
I am keen to try and locate my great grandads (stoker william megee) WW1 medals. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Medal, however a relative unfortunately sold the medal group many years ago. Does anyone know a way of tracking down the group?
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Any way to help millitarily without a background in national army?
Posted on
Let me explain, currently I am not a fan of the government in my current country, and the way they handle things. However, forces such as UN peacekeeping forces are required to be deployed when countries send there reserve troops to missions there.
Is there any alternative? Im mainly hoping to join to be able to appreciate life a little more, and to challenge myself and hopefully make a difference...
Old family patch identification
Posted on
This patch has been floating with us for awhile. Obviously Bavarian origin, I just have no specifics or much of a background story on it at all..other than a line of family coming from there. Any help pinpointing it's origin would be coo...would like to have a bit of a better story than just, " it's Bavarian lolz" know what I mean? [link] [comments] |
77% of young Americans too fat, mentally ill, on drugs and more to join military, Pentagon study finds
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Personally, I think this estimate is a bit high but what are your thoughts? [link] [comments] |
Can marines who joined the Army after still go to Army bootcamp if they wanted to even if they don’t have to?
Posted on
I know you are probably asking “Why?” The answer to that is that I’m just curious. I heard that if you were a marine then you didn’t have to go to army bootcamp if you joined the army after, but I wanted to know if you could if you for some reason wanted to
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