Should I report for domestic abuse?
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I don’t really know where I should post this but here goes. I am not in the military but I was in a 3 year relationship with a marine officer (2020- 2023). I’ll spare the nitty gritty details but this man was abusive to me throughout our relationship (verbal/emotional, physical, and sexual). I’ve considered reporting him simply because it does not sit well with me knowing that he gets to continue his life with absolutely no consequences for what he did to me. I’m still in the frame of mind that I don’t want to betray him or ruin his job/life but if a friend came to me with this same question I would tell them to report. We were not married, just bf/gf and I don’t have any sort of proof of abuse so I don’t know if anything would even come of this. I never made police reports, visited a hospital for the abuse, not even texts. I know the base that he currently works at, his rank and his job. Does anyone have any advice for how I would even go about this, what the process is like, if it would even be worth it, or if I should even do this?
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