Should going to the military be a last resort for me a good plan?
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Im in high-school right now and I really wanted to know if all the hobbies like art,cosplay,guitar and cooking aren’t cut out for me,if I should join? I have been also struggling with staying focus on doing any and just staring at a wall or for about 30 minutes and forgetting about what I was doing. for example,ill be drawing then ill end up spending hours on youtube. and I do this same stuff with everything single task or hobby and it stresses me out so much. its been like this sense elementary with me and I always think I am the I have fallen in to kind of a depressed state and I dont know what the future will look like for me,so maybe I should just go join the military sense im not useful at anything else? and my dad will not think im a pussy and that I can manage to keep in what’s bothering me without crying like a wuss
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