Mandatory reporter for domestic abuse?
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This might be a stupid question that as an NCO I should already know the answer to, but here it goes anyway.
A soldier (private) contacted me (an NCO, not in their leadership, but same company) this evening about some domestic abuse that had occurred the same day. Said they called me and not their NCOs because they didn't want to make it anything official with the army.
I encouraged the soldier to raise the issue immediately with their NCOs and get the official help they need, but they declined. Soldier had already made arrangements to stay with a friend for the night, and so is safe from the situation tonight. I also provided the soldier with links and contact information for the relevant on-post programs.
Now where do I (legally) go from here? Am I a mandatory reporter? Am I supposed to report this to the soldier's NCOs tomorrow? 1SG? No one? I realize now that the army hits sexual assault reporting pretty hard but doesn't put out much information pertinent to this situation.
Thanks in advance.
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